Sunday, January 5, 2014

Aston Martin Cygnet

Aston Martin is famous for its amazing concepts and iconic sports cars. The British car maker is changing its gears and tryng to make an electic "thing" called the cygnet. 

What was Aston Martin thinking?

Its not necisarly a bad car, its just not a bad ass car like other astons. Aston Martin fans are truly upset about the cygnet.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Google Car

Googles newest tech feat is actually a car! The self driving car from Google was the work of American car maker Tesla and tech giant Google. Googles car is trully an amazing conquest of engineering and technology. Ill post again later tonight. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Lets start off the new year with a great car that really improved in 2013. We got a lot of submissions for the Lamborghini Egoista or the Corvette C7, But the one that really deserves it: Tesla Model S.

Not only was it good for car people but it was also good to Investors in TSLA.